
[ 中國鍼灸學雜誌 第
卷/第一期 ]

 •3. 探討中國傳統養生「仙丹」的製法及應用

1.廖世隆 2.李政育 3.廖炎智


摘要 :




Discussion on the Production and Usage ofChinese Alchemy

1. Liao Shih-Long 2. Lee Chen-Yu 3. Liao Yan-Chih


Alchemy in Ancient China (before the Jin Dynasty) emphasized research of mercury compounds. Around the time of GeHong (from the Jin to the Tang Dynasty) the focus changed to Arsenic compounds. Into the Song Dynasty preparations were made for brain and body sex hormones. Meanwhile often there was mixing with improperly prepared sulfur. These are the main reasons for poisonings from elixirs of Ancient times.
From the time of Qin Shi-Huang of the Han Dynasty, many people died due to hese elixirs. Of the Tang Dynasty Emperors, six died as a result of taking these elixirs. Twenty three Emperors of the Ming and Qing Dynasties died for the same reason. Famous historical figures, Su Dong-Po, Han Yu and others all died due to poisoning.
The "Five Metals and Eight Stones" are the materials used by Chinese alchemists. Five Metals: yellow gold, white silver, red copper, green lead, black iron; these are combined with the "five elements" theory.
Eight Stones: cinnabar, realgar, sulfur, orpiment, mica, azurite, niter, halite; these are combined with the "BaGua" theory.
To understand the mysteries of alchemy in China, we must study the earliest recording of Daoist alchemy, the "Can Tong Qi." Combining research of history and processing (PaoZhi) makes it easier to understand.
From the 2000 year tragic history of alchemy in China, it became known that heavy metals (mercury, arsenic, lead…) should be excluded from direct use in treatment of humans.
Gunpowder, one of the four great inventions of Chinese people was discovered by alchemists. It is made of "niter" and "sulfur", both important materials in alchemy. The Ancients never thought that the practice of alchemy, prevention of explosions, and development of "latent fire" (FuHuo) concept actually would contribute to the development of modern medicine. Now in the 21st century the importance of this is becoming more apparent.
"Niter" has led to the development of vasodilators, which include treatments for angina pectoris and impotence, e.g. Viagra. These are major contributions in the history of medicine; the inventors were even recognized with the Nobel Prize.
There is also strong potential for another future superstar to surface, sulfur. Sulfur's importance in the history of Chinese alchemy is even greater than niter. Without sulfur there never would have been the several thousand year dream of Daoist alchemy. My personal prediction is that in the near future "sulfur" will play a major role in the development of medicine.
In the development of modern science, intentionally or unintentionally organic sulfur (MSM, Methyl-Sulfonyl-Methane) was found in extracts from pine. Also many sulfides were extracted from garlic. Originallynatural sulfides existed in many plants. Therefore we need only look for a stable structure of organic sulfur in these plants. Then through modern medical research we can prove or disprove the wisdom of the Ancients. If it is truly possible to initiate "autologous cellular repair," than many diseases with only temporary solutions may ideally be cured.
Through technological assistance and the wisdom of our ancestors, this time Chinese people will not be absent. And once again prove to the world that the Chinese elixir is in fact "organic sulfur." Then, I hope the saying "live as long as Mt.Nan" would be true.

Key words:

Chinese alchemy, Chinese elixirs, Oragnic sulfur (MSM),Latent fire (FuHuo)

廖世隆等 Liao Shih-Long et al.
作者:1.廖世隆 2.李政育 3.廖炎智
Tel:1. 04-22331509 2. 02.23670436 3. 02-87922331#12602

Authors: 1. Liao Shih-Long 2. Lee Chen-Yu 3. Liao Yan-Chih
Address: Department of Nuclear Medicine, Cheng-Gong Rd Sec.3 #325, Neihu District
Tel: 1. 04-22331509 2. 02.23670436 3. 02-87922331#12602
E-Mail: nmliao2@gmail.com


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